Welcome to Qi-Dog
Relationship instead of treats

"Trainiere dort, wo dein Leben stattfindet. Trainiere mit der Vision, welche Ihr als Mensch-Hund-Team erreichen wollt." - Beat Keller

Weekly schedule of learning walks
Maximum 3 participants
Registration via Whatsapp - location will be announced after confirmation.
Mittwoch 9:30
Ort: Laufenburg/Riniken Level II

Fridays 18:00
Location: Bözberg - Level I
Saturdays 10:00
Location: Birrfeld Airfield - Level II/III
Saturdays 14:00
Location: Riniken - Level II
Levels in Learning
Level I - Beginners
In these courses we work on the basics and basic techniques/commands are learned. I place emphasis on the correct execution of techniques/commands in an environment with few distractions for dog and owner. Social games and games with objects are incorporated between the exercises for the relationship and bonding.
Level II - Advanced
Techniques are known, initial distractions are sprinkled into the exercises so that the human-dog team grows. The dog's self-control under distractions is encouraged. Commands are introduced at a distance. Social games and games with objects are built in between the exercises for the relationship and bonding - including a stop signal.
Level III - das unsichtbare Band
Techniques are known, the dog has self-control. Reliable recall under distractions is present. Distance work and activity exercises such as lunging, retrieving and search tasks. Social play & play with objects.